從高中畢業後,有多久沒有好好的閱讀完一篇英文文章(除了教科書外)?保持閱讀文章的習慣,也是維持英語語感的好方法。「working holiday」大家一定都聽過,也是不少大學生除了留學或遊學之外的嚮往,除了賺錢還邊吃邊玩,年輕人可以藉此拓展視野、學習獨立。今天,和大家分享有關working holiday的文章,沒有艱澀的單字,讀起來也很輕鬆,維持閱讀英文的習慣,讓英文能力不退步。


Are you itching for a long vacation but don’t have enough money saved up? Would you like to experience living and working in another culture? If so, then a working holiday may be just the thing for you. When most people think of working holidays, Australia is usually the first country that comes to mind. Australia was the first country to offer working holiday visas—its working holiday program was established in 1975—and it’s still the most popular destination. Originally open to young people from Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland and Canada, the visa is now available to young people from 18 different countries, and the list keeps growing.

Over the years, many other countries have followed Australia’s lead. From Argentina to Austria, from Singapore to Switzerland, 26countries around the world now offer working holiday visas. Requirements and restrictions vary from country to country, but the basic concept is the same: to promote international understanding by allowing young people to gain in-depth understanding of the cultures and customs of other countries. And what better way to gain insight into another culture than living and working in a foreign country for an extended period of time. As the name implies, working holiday visas, which are usually valid for 1 year, allow the holder to both work and travel during their stay. Some countries, like Australia, even allow visa holders to enroll in short-term study programs.





Vocabulary Bank

itch   for/to v./n. 渴望

I’m itching to play the latest Grand Theft Auto game.

save up   phr.存錢

Phil is saving up to buy a car.

visa   n.(護照上等的)簽證

They won’t let you on board an international flight without a visa.

program   n.計畫,方案;課程

Our school has a good financial aid program.

available   a.可用的,可得的

This phone is available in three colors.

lead   v./n.領導,指導,榜樣

If you’re not sure what to do, just follow my lead.

requirement   n.規定,必要條件

Previous experience is a requirement for the job.

vary   v.呈多樣化,有差異

The age at which children begin to speak varies.

insight   n.深入的理解,見解

The scholar’s work shows great insight.

extended   a.長期的,持久的

I’m planning on taking an extended vacation.

imply   v.意味著,暗示

Are you implying that I need to lose weight?

valid   a.有效的,合法的

It’s illegal to drive without a valid driver’s license.

Grammar Master

the + 序數(+ 名詞) to V 第……個做某事的……

表達「第……個做某事的……」時,在the的後面接 firstsecondthirdlast 等序數,後面的名詞可省略,再接to V


Emily was the first (person)to arrive.



We were the last (ones/people)to know about this.



Josh was the second (student)to hand in the answer sheet.


文章出處:《英文閱讀Know-It-AllEZ TALK總編嚴選閱讀特刊》





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